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ProVetLogic Kennel & Turf Care One Shot is the Ultimate Cleaning Solution for Dog Friendly Properties, Pet Care Facilities, and Veterinary Clinics

By |March 1st, 2023|Categories: ProVetLogic|

Maintain a Clean and Hygienic Dog Friendly Property with ProVetLogic Kennel & Turf Care One Shot As the owner or manager of a property that welcomes dogs, it's essential [...]

Ammonia Can Buildup in Your Horse Stables and Harm Your Animals

By |September 1st, 2022|Categories: Cleaning Equipment and Supplies, ProVetLogic|Tags: , |

Ammonia Can Buildup in Your Horse Stables and Harm Your Animals Ventilation and regular cleaning of a horse barn is important for sanitation and smell. But most importantly, thorough [...]

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    Check out the new Minuteman Micro Scrubber: The Scrubmaster B5