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Prevent Salmonella Spread in Horses with Proper Cleaning Supplies and Methods

Salmonella is a bacterium that can cause disease in horses and other animals, including humans. Animal feces, such as horse manure, can carry salmonella and spread it through accidental consumption. Did you know that a small percentage of all horses carry Salmonella in their intestines but don’t show symptoms?

In this article, we share the proper stable cleaning supplies and methods to prevent a Salmonella outbreak in your horse stable or farm.

What are the signs of Salmonella infection in a horse?

animal facility disinfectant

Although a horse may carry Salmonella and not show signs of infection, there are symptoms to look out for. The most common sign of Salmonella infection is diarrhea, which may present as water, green to black, and even bloody. Fever, lethargy, and colic are also signs of Salmonella.

It is important to note that carriers and infected horses can both spread Salmonella through their feces. Salmonella can be tested for through clinical signs, fecal culture, and PCR testing.

How to prevent the spread of Salmonella in a horse stable or farm

1. Manage the Salmonella Positive Horse

Once you’d identified that you have a Salmonella positive horse, it is critical to isolate the animal to prevent further spread. While the exact protocols for infectious control is dependent on the circumstances, it is generally recommended to:

  • Seek treatment from a nearby veterinarian.
  • Isolate the sick horse in a stable or barn away from the other horses or animals. If this is not possible, keep the horse as far as possible from animals that may be more susceptible to infection.
  • Do not allow the sick horse to walk through or frequent any public areas shared by other horses or animals.
  • When handling the horse, make sure to wear proper personal protective equipment, including shoe covers, gloves, coveralls, etc. If these items are not disposable, make sure to thoroughly clean them with STABLE Environment Enzymatic Cleaner and then disinfect with Animal Facility Disinfectant.
  • Any items used within the infected horse’s stall should be cleaned and disinfected prior to moving between another stall.

2. Follow a Strict Stable Cleaning and Disinfecting Protocol

STABLE Environment Bioenzymatic Cleaner

Bleach, disinfectants, and most general cleaners do not have the inherent chemical ability to breakdown organic matter, like horse manure, so it is recommended that a solution of STABLE Environment and water be used as a daily cleaner before the application of Animal Facility Disinfectant.

We recommend the following cleaning and disinfecting protocols for cleaning a Salmonella infected horse stall:

  1. Wear protective gloves and footwear.
  2. Remove the horse from the immediate area.
  3. Remove all feed and water tubs, blankets, etc.
  4. Manure and loose bedding should be removed and disposed of in an area away from other animals and where runoff will not contaminate the water supply. Composting is an effective way of killing Salmonella.
  5. Mix a solution of 2 to 4 ounces of STABLE Environment per 1-gallon of water. Using a spray or foam applicator, apply the solution to all contact surfaces, including concrete, porous substrate (dirt, sand, & stone), rubber floors, wood surfaces and other porous materials.
  6. Agitate areas to remove heavy soil buildup. Allow the solution to stand for 3 to 5 minutes and then rinse or squeegee the solution towards the floor drain or exterior exit area.
  7. Once all standing puddles and/or heavy moisture is removed, apply a solution of 1-ounce Animal Facility Disinfectant per 1-gallon of water to all contact surfaces (animal & human) including floors, walls, doors, handles and fixtures. DO NOT RINSE! Allow the surface to air dry.
  8. Bedding can be replaced, and horse returned to the stall, once all heavy moisture has been removed.

For disinfecting items such as boots, shovels, buckets, pitchforks, wheelbarrows and other tools and transport vehicle surfaces:

  1. Wear protective gloves and footwear.
  2. Rinse items with water and then apply a solution of 2 to 4 ounces of STABLE Environment per 1-gallon of water. Agitate the surface to remove heavy buildup of manure and soil. Allow the solution to stand for 3 to 5 minutes and rinse with water. Allow the surface to dry.
  3. Apply a solution of 1-ounce Animal Facility Disinfectant per 1-gallon of water. DO NOT RINSE! Allow the item to thoroughly air dry.

Get in touch with us for best pricing and custom stable cleaning plans for your horse farm!

Bluegrass is a locally owned, Kentucky based supplier of horse and animal facility cleaning supplies. We care about your animals and want to make sure that they are safe with a secure and easy-to-follow biosecurity plan. Give us a call for the best pricing on our STABLE Environment and Animal Facility Disinfectant supplies.

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