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Equine stable cleaning and maintenance are very important for the overall conditions of the stable and the health of your horses or other livestock. Taking care of a stable and the animals that live there is not an easy job, and it require a daily cleaning routine. Using the best stable cleaning supplies will ensure that these routines are effective and long-lasting.

Cleaning your equine stable can be divided into two parts:

  1. the daily cleaning routine andstable environment stable cleaning supplies
  2. deep cleaning.

Deep cleaning is done once every month depending on how busy your stable is and how many animals live there. Springtime is usually the best period to clean and sanitize the stables thoroughly before the summer heat sets in. To maintain the cleanliness and hygiene of your stables, you need a strict daily routine and products that help achieve maximum efficiency.

To help you out with the process, here is a list of essential steps and the best supplies for equine stable cleaning:

Muck Out Regularly

“Mucking out” is an essential part of equine stable cleaning and maintenance. Wet and dirty bedding is unhygienic and quite uncomfortable for your horses or livestock. Wet bedding can cause your horses to breathe ammonia, which has harmful effects on the lungs. To address this issue, muck out the stable on daily basis. You can change the wet bedding by using a pitchfork.

Additionally, for reducing the smell of ammonia and the occurrence of flies in between deep cleanings, you can use ProVetLogic’s Stable Environment Cleaner. You can learn more about the use of this equine cleaner below.stable cleaning mucking

Stable Deep Cleaning

Stable deep cleaning means emptying the stables completely and cleaning everything thoroughly. Obviously, this is not a daily task and requires a lot of energy and time. If you are planning a deep clean of your equine stables, follow these steps:

  • Remove everything until the floor is bare
  • Open windows and doors for better ventilation during the cleaning process
  • Clean the floor with Equine Cleaning Solution (see below for proper use and dilution ratios)
  • Remove the dirt from stalls, walls, and doors
  • Let everything dry and air out completely
  • Put fresh bedding in and return the horses to their stalls

Deep cleaning will have positive effects on the overall condition of the stable and well-being of the animals. To clean the stable thoroughly, we recommend using a specifici equine cleaning solution.

How to use Equine Cleaning Solution?

There is a diversity of cleaners for stables. You want to look for a solution that removes dirt, kills bacteria, and eliminates odor. These are three key elements that keep a stable clean and safe.stable cleaning supplies

ProVetLogic’s STABLE Environment Bio-enzymatic Cleaner, Deodorizer & Drain Maintainer addresses all these issues. Stable Enviroment by ProVetLogic is a high performance, bacterial-enriched multi-surface stable cleaner, odor eliminator, organic waste degrader, and drain maintainer that eliminates the smell of ammonia and provides a deep clean for the stables. We have the option to buy the cleaner by itself or as a kit with a foam gun.

After removing the bedding, the cleaner is most effective when applied using a bucket and brush, pump-up sprayer, foam gun, pressure washer or automatic scrubber. Brush the floors and surfaces with the liquid, and make sure that the cleaner is applied to all the necessary areas. Let it soak for 3 to 5 minutes and then wash it down with a power washer or any other hosing tool that you have on hand. The cleaner itself is quite potent, and therefore it needs to be diluted. You can mix it with water to get the mixture fitting for your purposes at the following ratios:

  • For Light Duty Cleaning: Dilute 1 to 2 ounces of product per gallon of water, apply to surface, allow to dwell for 3 to 5 minutes and agitate if needed. Rinse thoroughly with clean water.
  • Medium Duty Cleaning: Dilute 3 to 4 ounces of product per gallon of water, apply to surface, allow to dwell for 3 to 5 minutes and agitate if needed. Rinse thoroughly with clean water.
  • For Heavy Duty Cleaning: Dilute 6 to 8 ounces of product per gallon of water, apply to surface, allow to dwell for 3 to 5 minutes and agitate if needed. Rinse thoroughly with clean water.stable environment stable cleaning supplies

4 Tips for maintaining clean the stables

Here are some additional tips that will help you keep your stables clean and comfortable for your horses and livestock:

  1. Keep stables well-ventilated – this will minimize the odor and help with overall hygiene.
  2. Sanitize and clean your equipment regularly – any equipment that you use in the stables requires regular cleaning
  3. Clean feeding bowls and buckets
  4. Change the bedding regularly

One additional animal safety tip: during the cleaning process, keep the animals away. This will make the process easier and safer.

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